Products Page
The SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR  - Version 7.0    2006 Release

for Schools
Version 7.0 Optional Modules
School Attendance Module Discipline Tracking Module Web Teacher
Course Attendance Module Fee Management Remote Access
Mark/Grade Reporting Module First Nations Module Gradebook Administrator
Scheduling Module Teacher Program

School Attendance Module This module provides individual student attendance keeping for "school" - ie. half and full days absent as well as lates and absence reasons. It allows users to view the detail of every day of the school year. Totals are maintained on a Month, Term, and Year-to-Date basis. Absences are colour coded for quick, visual impact. Attendance is entered using a special, powerful utility that allows you to enter attendance by student name or number, by Home Room, by Club/Team, or by Course. Once entered, you can view and/or print the list of absences as well as print a "call home" sheet that contains the students' home phone numbers as well as parents' work numbers. You have the option of changing the date for viewing and adjusting attendance for any day of the school year.
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Course Attendance Module This module tracks course attendance for students on a period-by-period basis over the complete school year. Schools can create their own coding system for absences which allows them to see patterns at a glance. It contains files for Clubs/Teams, Student Absentee Lists for Teachers, Absence Codes plus a comprehensive utility for entering and modifying attendance. Included is a utility to select students who have missed classes based on certain criteria and this utility will run automatically each night to determine if new students have met the criteria.
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Mark/Grade Reporting Module This module provides all of the files and utliities necessary to keep track of each student's marks, etc., for the current year as well as for past years. There are special fields for anecdotal comments for each course. The module provides the ability to print Report Cards and Transcripts of the user's design. It contains files for students' Current Courses & Marks and Accumulated Credits plus files for Valid Comments, Current Year's Master Schedule, Course Descriptions, and Course History plus over 20 utilities including the Exam Scheduler. There is a routine to determine who is not eligible for graduation based on current courses, previously taken courses and courses scheduled for the following year.
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Scheduling Module This module is designed to work with schools where each student has an individual timetable. It includes files for students' Next Year's Courses, Valid Courses, Master Schedule, Pre/Co/Opp Sequence Courses, Pre-requisite File, plus over 12 utilities to assist with scheduling including a Pre-requisite Checker. The Module also includes the Semi-Automatic and Automatic Master Schedule Builders to assist in making better Master Schedules faster than manual methods. The program can accommodate complex scheduling requirements including octmestering with any combination of semestered and full year courses and up to 14 unique days in a schedule and an unlimited number of periods per day.
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Discipline Tracking Module This module tracks discipline incidents for each student. Each time a student has a discipline-related incident, you can track the type of infraction, where it occurred, who else was involved, and what the resolution was. An unlimited length description can be added. The program provides the ability to do statistical analysis on incident types, locations, participants and disciplinary action.
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Fee Management This module is designed to track student fees for either courses, school fees (locker fee, student council fee, yearbook, etc.), and/or tuition. The program allows you to create whatever fee items you wish and apply them to individuals or groups of students. Course fees are automatically added or deleted as the courses are added to or removed from students. The tuition fees component can handle post-dated payments and scholarships can be applied against tuition. Individual student's fees can be viewed as part of their complete record. Although not a true double-entry system, transactions can only be removed by entering a reversing entry. Routines are provided for recording payments, printing reports, and handling post-dated cheques.
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First Nations Module Trevlac is pleased to announce that we have developed a special First Nations screen within our student management software package known as The School Administrator. This screen contains fields that are specific to First Nations and their reporting requirements to INAC for reports like the Nominal Roll and Special Education forms. It is expected that not only would First Nations schools benefit from this initiative but also First Nations Education Authorities which do not have their own schools could also use our software to track their students who are getting their education off the reserve. It would allow these Authorities to maintain and print the Nominal Roll for the students from their reserve. In addition to developing the special screen, we have also developed the ability to print the Nominal Roll and certain Special Education reports. We will also be developing the ability to electronically transmit the Nominal Roll information to INAC. We feel that this initiative will help First Nations with their reporting requirements not only to their provincial jurisdiction but also to INAC. We would like to work more closely with our First Nations customers to develop additional program features which would streamline their reporting requirements and make these tasks easier. These First Nations-specific features are available at no additional cost to our First Nations clients.
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Teacher Program
(see Web Teacher)
This is a special program that can run in schools that have workstations attached to the administration network and that are accessible to teachers. These workstations would likely be located in classrooms. This program accesses the main database using a web browser which means that the same interface could be used by teachers to enter data via the Internet from home provided the school had a secure server. Teachers can enter attendance and marks, book a/v equipment and other school facilities, provide student counts to the office for such things as lunch menu items or other items where a count of the number of students is required, as well as enter discipline incidents. This program is totally integrated with The School Administrator
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Web Teacher This program is supplied along with the Teacher Program. Each teacher is provided with a UserName and Password and they have access to only their own courses so that database security is maintained. The program provides the ability for teachers to log into the main school database over the Internet so that they can enter Attendance or do Mark Entry from home or some other location. Teachers can also maintain the Assignment, Homework, and Projects that are viewable by parents/students through the Remote Access program. There is an interface between this program and the Audio Visual Equipment Booking routine in the main program so teachers can book school resources. Anecdotal Notes can also be added to each teacher’s Home Room for inclusion on a report card. As they can from their school desktops using the Teacher Program, WebTeacher allows teachers to choose a class, view students, and enter either Course or Home Room attendance on a daily basis. Any prior entries made in the main office can be viewed by the teachers. Teachers have the ability to print their class attendance as well as view it by month with all students’ absences/lates appearing in grid format. When using the Mark Entry feature, the marks that can be entered by teachers are controlled by the main program so that teachers cannot mistakenly enter marks for the wrong term. Teachers can choose what entries they would like to make including marks, attendance values, work habit codes, and make anecdotal and/or canned comments. The Comment bank available is the same one that is available in the main program. Once entered, both attendance and marks are stored directly into the database of the main program with no intermediary step.
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Remote Access This program provides parents and students access to student information over the Internet provided that they have a valid UserName and Password. Each student is provided with their own UserName and Password but families can be connected so that parents can use one Family UserName and Password and have access to all of their children attending the same school. Once logged in, parents can see a wide range of information that is maintained on their child. They can view Contact Information including address, parents’ and emergency names, contact phone numbers with the ability to email the school with any changes. Daily Attendance detail of School and, if maintained, Course attendance can be viewed. The student’s daily timetable with period times, course, teacher, and room is available. The student’s Current Courses with a course description, teacher name, room, time slot, and most recent marks are available plus they have the ability to email each subject teacher if the school allows. The student’s completed Course History including diploma requirements can be viewed. Teachers can post homework assignment and project information by course for parents to view. More extensive is the ability of parents and students to enter Course Choices for the coming school year. This feature takes into consideration, and parents can view, the courses that the student has successfully completed, the courses that he/she is currently taking, and the course requirements for the diploma that the student is working towards. The interface helps the parents/students make intelligent course choices based on the desired diploma. Once completed, the course choices are passed to the main program for review by a Guidance Counsellor prior to being saved in the student’s record. An interactive Parent/Teacher Interview Scheduler allows schools to setup time slots for parent interviews and parents to log on and develop and print their own Interview Schedule. This feature interfaces directly with the main school program so that any bookings made by parents are automatically reserved and are viewable by school staff within the main program. The school staff can also print Teacher Interview Schedules in preparation for the interviews. The Remote Access program requires that the school use an MS SQL database so that the proper level of security can be maintained when connected to the Internet. We have developed sophisticated security routines to insure the privacy of student data.
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Gradebook Administrator This program provides teachers with a web-based, fully integrated program for keeping track of students' tests, quizzes, projects, etc. throughout a term or the school year, compile them into a term or final mark and submit that mark along with comments, etc. to The School Administrator for inclusion on a report card or transcript. The program can be accessed by anyone from anywhere over the school network or Internet with the proper security clearance. It is fully integrated into The School Administrator so that seamless transfers can take place. The Gradebook Administrator was written using Microsoft .NET and uses an MS SQL database for Internet security but can interface with schools that are running either a Visual FoxPro or an MS SQL database. Since it is web-based, no special software is required on the users' workstations but Java Script must be enabled. The server will need to run a copy of MS SQL Server, Internet Information Server, and .NET Framework V2.0.50727 in order to run the product. The program gets populated from The School Administrator (TSA) at the beginning of a term, receives student updates from TSA throughout the term, and passes information back to TSA at the request of the teacher. It uses a spreadsheet concept with the teacher being able to create multiple spreadsheets for each course, determining what each spreadsheet column will represent, determining what factor each mark will have on the overall term or final mark, and compiling the data that will be sent back to TSA. The school administration will determine what information will be required from teachers and teachers can submit data to TSA at any time.
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Build Date: 2016.06.01
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